Luthiers please take note of the information at the bottom of this page.
Click on a repair for a quick How To session.
Luthiers and Repair shop Pros-
Please submit your photos (up to 6) along with a brief description for each photo and if your submission
is chosen we will post the process on our How To Repair pages.
This part of the site is for your submissions and of course the reader. We hope
the subsequent how to`s will encourage the do it your selfer and Pro alike to do their own repairs in a variety
of ways with the same end result.
I once noticed an expert Luthier repairing a broken head stock on a guitar. He mentioned that was the worst break
he ever had in his shop and that he had never worked on one so bad. To a lot of us a head stock break is just another
repair in the shop. This made me think that no matter who you are or how long you have been working as a Luthier the next job may be the worst you have ever seen. How this experienced luthier repaired the head stock break was so unconventional. Even though the Luthier had too many wood clamps to do this job (I believe the number was 8 clamps on one headstock...believe it or not) the end result was a repair that will hold up to the test of time.
I am commited to show several ways to end up with the same result in your repair.
When learning the Luthier Craft I found that many guitar makers use a variety of ways to perform the same task.
And, when seeing Luthiers perform repairs in several different ways this has given me the idea that Repairs should have the same scope of Knowledge.
By showing several ways to do the repair we together will make this How to section successful.